Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Health Check Up Camp!!!

1st Feb 2009...
Hiya Guys and Gals, Hope everybody is doing fine... First of all I would like to Congratulate all the Youth India's Members fo their Success in this Camp, And we, would like to ,Dr. Kariya, Dr Santosh Sapatey and all the other Volunteers in this Camp!! Not to forget, We thank all the villagers who came across in this Camp and mad it successfully possible!!!
Wel, Guys and Gals it was the First day of Feb Month.... And this couldnt have began more prominent & wonderful than this, Youth India's First Health check up camp.. This camp was organized by "Gayatri Health Care Society" and Youth India was associated with them, to serve villagers in a better format.. Wel, we werent the only Organization there, we had "Lions Club of aryuvedic society" with us as well..
Oh ok....I forgot,this camp was organized at fithri Village,12kms from zero mile!! Now back to Health camp!!
Actually, Youth India's members were suppose to reach there by 8:30am..aswe had to clean the place and make it more tidy.. But, we reached there by 9:30am..Damn! One Hr Late!! Luckily the cleaning part was done..
But, we also forgot that we were suppose to put up the Banners, Tables and Chairs as well.. so we all rushed.. Vinit and Amit were cleaning the Banners (with wet cloth).. Dr Kariya and other volunteers were setting up the Table n chairs.. Wondering what was I doing???Uhh ahh...I was taking there Pic, so that i could show everybody what we did there.. Shouldnt U guys appreciate me for that...Oh thank you..thank you!!
Now, back to camp..after everything was done inside the Hall..Me (Ashwin), Vinit and Amit went outside to put up the Banner, Damn we three took more than 30mins to out it up...
Wait a sec..Infact, we couldnt put it up, even after such efforts..but there was some who enjoyed this part.. Mr amit Gunani, the Monkey man!! He climbed up the tree and was posing for Pics..Damn Him!!
After this, we went inside... Damn, the wel come ceremony was almost over.. But, Youth Murudula was there to escort the Guest from Youth India's behalf...Thankx dear!! (Nak bacha Le).. After a while everything was over, it was breakfast time..heheheh :D.
We had samosa, Rasgula and Mixture in Breakfast.Ahhh uhhh :(, but not for was for Villagers..nways, atleast the enjoyed!! What are u thinking ahhh, that we didnt get to eat anything;then u r wrng. we ate Mixture and Half samosa each!! (something better than Nothing).. Oh ok, now even this part was done.. The Camp began.......................
Camp began, and Ppl were rushing towards the respective doctors!! wel, we had Ayurvedic doctors, Homiopethic and allopathic doctors for this Camp..Thank You Dr.Kariya and Dr Sapatey..Coz of them, we had these many doctos gathered at one place.. In this camp, we had General Check, Blood check up, Eye check up and many more (Me not a Dr yaar to remember all the treatments and all).. So,we had atleast 70-75 patients for each category... for general check up and Blood Check up..but the number was short for Eye check up!! ppl had gud eyesight, Seriousely..No Kidding!! This check up camp was free, man I thought of getting my check up done too..but was busy managing the Kids & elders.. Anyways, the distribution of medicine was also free for everybody!!
When, all this was going on, Vinit and Amit were busy with Doc's and Guest, escoting them.. Ashwin (me..heheh) and Youth Mrudula, were busy with Kids, we were interacting with children.. they were Frdily, they shared their names with us, there school talks and their fun talks as well.. And Mr Vivek Kariya, was busy clicking the pics for us all and he was also escorting the guest along with Amit and Vinit.. One hard working man!! After, everything was done, we all went out of the Hall, took a walk at Dr Kariy's Farm and Health center...Both are Good!! Man, we grp of Boys have some wonderful memories related with this farm!! hilarious moments of sure...
Back to 1st feb,Miss President was here...she came directly after she was done with her Entrance exam..ohh My God!! How can I forget?Damn me... Dr Kariya and Dr Sapatey announced that they will have this free health check up forever!! Man this was so very important thing to mention... Dr.Kariya also announced that he will arrange few Job work for the villagers so they can earn there Bread too.. and Youth India will assist his through out!!
Wel, I wish I can put in every moment wish we spent there...wish All U Guys and Gals reading this were there..We really had wonderful time..Awesome time,with Kids and every villagers..
I knw that there are few ppl thinking that Social service is Boring, but, Honestly me after seeing the pics and reading the Post, do u really thing it is boring...Naaaaaaa, it isnt guys, It ain't!! We are unlike other Organizations, we njoy every event..May it be Installation, May it be a Training Program or may it be a Social Service! "We are here for Change, and we have definetly changed the method of seeing, managing and working on every event"
We have, started the Change, We Urge U all to be a part of it, be a responsible Indian and experience the Difference!!
We all had fun, and We Wish that all U readers can be a part of our next event!! Thank you:)

Wel-Come to Youth India!!

Wel come to Youth India!!

Hello and Wel come to Youth India, a club, organization and hub for Fun, Knowledge and Service…Above all an organization to bring out Indians asResponsible Indians
Thinking what we are talking about, well, that’s what we want you to do, think n think!!
Amazed!! Even we were when we came to know that round the Globe 40% of population is of “Youth”, Naaaaaaa not shocked coz of that, but shocked to see that only 14% of Youth realize what’s wrong and what’s right for THEM and nation. But only 4% of Youth out of the above 14% realize that they are doing nothing for their nation, wanna see something more amazing, here u go…Out of these 4% above only 2.54% of Youth does something for the nation...So, in all…. Only 0.5%; (infact not even that) of youth round the globe contributes to the growth of Nation and themselves!!

Now, coming back to “Youth India”…thinking what it has to do with above all things mentioned???? Alright, let me break the suspense, We are here to overcome all these Flaws.. well, I wouldn’t call it as our flaws, but its all lack of responsibilities. We are here to improvise the inner you and our nation. We are here to make ourselves and YOUTH more responsible than B4!!

Well, sounds boring!! Naa, think twice Gals and Boyz.. Being responsible can be fun, it may earn you fame; respect and who knows one day you may become an “IDEAL” for every “Youth”!!
Think Guys!! Think Gals!! What is that, you want to Improve in you.. I know that you all good as you are, but honestly I’m not demoralizing you or anybody else.. I’m just trying to associate you with the success of Nation!! You can not only polish your qualities here, infact you can generic your qualities to others, which makes you an “IDEAL” in Youth’s… So, let jump back to “Youth India”.

It’s a place where you can Polish you qualities, Improve your self confidence, get exposure, learn to be a Team Leader, Serve our nation by developing our rural areas, help under privileged children & spread literacy to the illiterate women, men and children.. Infact there is so much to do!!
Thinking, why do we need to Improvise ourselves for all these social work, well, it is said that “Charity begins at Home”. Until and unless we develop ourselves we cant develop our nation.. So, Youth India urges every youth not only from India, but round the globe, that stand with us, “if you believe that you can change our society to make it a better place to live” and “If you believe that you can motivate and be an Ideal for other youths to be as responsible as you are”

“Stand with Change, by believing that you can be the change”.

This is also for,One who believes and loves challenges; coz being Responsible and making others responsible human is also a Challenge, except the challenge and show us that you can win and teach other how to be a winner.

Let me see how many of you can take up challenges well and come out as winners!! Hope to see you in Guys and Gals..

Governing Board members of Youth India!

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen let me do the Honors to introduce you to the 10 shining gems of “Youth India”.. Some marvels who took the challenge to be responsible and a challenge to make others a winner!!

Let me present you THE “Governing Board members of Youth India 2009”

1. Miss President- Don’t mess with her, she will hammer you down
in German language..

2. Mr Treasurer- Try to mess with him, if you can!! Man u gotta
be a genius and smart to do that.

3. Mr Secretary- Hard worker and Good & cunning Business man.

4. Miss Joint secretary- U better have a Good handwriting!! She is
an Handwriting analyst..

5. Miss Director I.O- Girl with Diploma’s.. Name it, she has it!!(Creative)

6. Mr Director M.O- Boy with Loads of confidence and Charm!!

7. Mr Director C.O- Oh Ok…Let me think……..Unable to connect.

8. Mr Director Publication- Hard worker and boy who wants to be all rounder.

9. Miss Director Fellowship- Wonderful dancer…

10. Mr P.R.O- Tall Punjabi Munda; Boss, U not only gotta be tall
to mess with him but U also gotta be famous!! Beware

Scroll down to know more about them, and more about Youth India!!

Meet the President!!

Designation: President.

Name: Amrita Sharma.
Age: 20years

B.C.A final Year
Hobbies: German Language, skating, Dancing
Achivements: Diploma in German Language, Been to germany from rotary club representing India in Youth Exchange.
Strength: Confidence, Family and frds.
Aim: "To be successful"
Motto of Joining Youth India: "To make difference by being the difference and to be a responsible Indian"
So, Ladies and Gentlemen...This is Our President 2009, Youth Amrita Sharma leading Youth India for the Year 2009..CONGRATULATION!!!
"All the best everything Miss President, Youth India"

Meet the Treasurer!!

Designation: Treasurer
Name: Youth Vivek Kariya
Age: 25Years
M.B.A in Biotech and Marketing and in Biotech.
Hobbies: Fun & fellowship,Touring,eating delicasies
Achivements: Past Vice President Bio tech society of Hislop College,Project manager in Vintage car Rally and many more...
Strength: Confidence, Communication Skills, Will Power, Family and Frds..
Aim: "To be an Ideal for Youth"
Motto of Joing Youth India: "To Youth India to great Altitude"
So, ladies and gentalmen this was Youth Vivek Kariya..."All the best for everything Bhai"...Would like to see U, married soon!!!

Meet Secretary!!

Desingnation: Secretary

Name: Youth Vinit Kariya
Age: 22years.
B.B.A 2nd year.

Hobbies: Playing basketball,Fun & fellowship,Biking riding, Skateing

Achivements: Diploma in Automobile Engg.., Founder member of Youth India, Governing Board member of JCI orange city, Organized mega Events (Vintage Car Rally) and many more...

Aim: “To be a successful person and achieve everything possible and be a Millionaire"

Motto of Joing Youth India: “To make India a better place to live in”

So, this was Youth Vinit Kariya..."Wishing you all the best for your future and for Youth India"

Meet Joint Secretary!!

Designation: Joint secretary.
Name: Youth Apkesha Khattiri.
Age: 19 years. 2nd year.
Hobbies: Reading, analyzing Handwriting
& Surfing net.
Aim: " To be a successful in business
and achive everything I desire in a
Simple manner"
Strength: Confidence, will power, Honesty
and Family
Motto of Joining Youth India: "To serve our Nation and be a responsible Indian"
This was Youth Apkesha Khattiri..Honest and straight forward person..
"All the best for everything dear, Wishin that U be one of most successful Business woman in your future"

Meet Director I.O!!

Designation: Director Individual Opportunity (I.O)
Name: Youth Preet Maan
Age: 22 Years
Final Year Engineering in electronics n Telecommunations.
Hobbies: Listening Music, Doing anything Creative & reading books.
Achivements: Diploma in Electronic and Telecommunication, Interior Designing, Computers & Fashion Designing...Ufff many more to come!
Aim: "To be a successful Person"
Strenght: Confidence, Communication Skills, Will Power, Famliy and frds!
Motto of Joining Youth India: " To serve our nation and our ppl,& to be a responsible Indian"
So, Ladies and gentalmen...This was Youth Preet Kaur.
"All the Best dear, Wishing the Best for you in Life"

Meet Director M.O!!

Designation: Director Management opportunity (M.O).
Name: Youth Saurabh Heda
Age: 22 Years.
B.B.A: 1st Year.
Hobbies: Playing sports, Photography,adventures, & Listening music.
Achivements: Diploma in Electronic and telecommunication,Part of various Social organization like Helpage, WWF, UNICEF and many more.
Aim: "To be successful"
Strenght: Confidence, family and Frds!!
Motto of Joining Youth India: " To make difference in society by being
the Change".
So, Ladies and Gentalmen, that was Youth Saurabh Heda...
"All the Best for everything Buddy, wish you achieve everything U desrire"..

Meet Director C.O!!!

Designation: Director Community
Opportunity (C.O)
Name: Youth Ashwin Kumar Pugalia.
Age: 22Years Graduate in Phy, Chem and Maths.
Hobbies: Drawing, Painting, Sketching,
Playing sports and Listening Music
Achivements: An Interschool Athlete
Winner, Karate and Part of various NGO's. And diploma in Interior designing.
Aim: "To be successful in everything"
Motto of Joining Youth India: "To make difference in socitey by being the difference to make a reponsible Indian"..
So, That was Youth Ashwin Pugalia.. "All the best for everything"

Meet Director of Publiation!!!

Designation: Director Publication.
Name: Youth Amit Gunani.
Age: 20 Years.
B.B.A: 2nd Year.
Hobbies: Playing sports, reading articles, surfing
net, cycling (Healthy Boy ahhh).
Achivements: University Representative in Football.
Attended Geo-fest in 2006.
Strenght: Confidence, Will Power, Famliy and Frds
Aim: “To be an all rounder”
Motto of joining Youth India: “To develop public relations and make India , Heaven on Earth".
So, that was Youth Amit Gunani all the Way from Nagpurs End...
"Wishing u al the very best Buddy and hope you will be a All rounder one day"

Meet Director of Fun and Fellowship!!!

Designtation: Director of Fun & Fellowship.. Uffffff!!!
Name: Prathiba Lalwani.
Age: 19Years
B.B.A: 2nd year
Hobbies: Dancing, listening music and dancing and dancing..
Achivements: Interschool dance winner, Leads in shamak Dawar's class and many achivements in Dance. uff
Strenght: Family and friends.
Aim: " To be a successful choreographer"
Motto to Join Youth India: "To make some difference in society, by being a responsible Indian".....
So ladies and Gentalmen...This is Youth Prathiba Lalwani....If U wanna learn any form of Dance just let her knw, she wil teach you...
"All the Best lady, for everything"

Meet the P.R.O of Youth India!!

Designation: P.R.O (Public relation officer)

Name : Youth Rajdeep Singh Bhullar
Age: 23 Years, Graduate in Electronics.
Hobbies: Playing Sports, Riding Bikes and Listening Music
Achivements: Represented university in many sports on behave of college. And Interschool sports representative.
Strenght: Will Power, Confidence and Family
Aim: "To achieve everything I desire and not only be successful but also to be a successful Human"
Motto of Join Youth India: "To make myself more reponsible as Indian and to help others to realise there responisblities"
So, Ladies and Gentalmen...This is Youth Rajdeep Singh Bhullar, P.R.O- 2009 of Youth India.. Dont ever mess with him!
"All the Best buddy and Wish u achieve ur Milestone"

Dirt Biking...on the way to Old age Home...

11th Jan 2009, 3pm;

Its was 3pm, when we all gathered at Vinit's place.. One wonderful Afternoon, I say!!
We all were ready to leave for oldage home.. Boyz were ready to rock on their bikes and Girls ready to get bored in Car!! Hahahaha....We had more fun Ladies!!!oouuuu
Sorry Ladies, But cant help it!!
A joureny through Road towards ADASA began!!
Me,Yogesh,Saurabh,Pratik,Ishan,Rajdeep and Amit were on Bike...Ahh! Mr Vinit Kariya was driving the car for Ladies...Hehehe
It took us 90mins to reach oldage home,it was 35kms U see...Thinking Itna time kyo laga!! Coz, we had break journey guys... First we stopped at Petrol Pump, it was necessary...Then, we stopped by a place were we could do dirt biking. Wellllllllllllllllllll, Im missing something,Oh okkkk

We boyz, took a stop to a place near N.Jain's farm House..We took some breath taking snaps with Mother Nature!! Man, we all were looking Kool and Handsome. We all were thinking that we will use our photos in our portfolio..It will light up some good impression on ppl..
oppsss!! Back to everybody, we all stopped at a Place were we could do dirt biking, (Venue: 30kms from Nagpur).
First we all did rock climbing.....................25-30fts!! But will still enjoyed..Once we all reached up there we all posed for some good snaps.
Then, a vocie came from behind "Guys, we are getting late"...So everybody got down, wish we could do Rappling there;Hard luck...
Till the time Girls got down, we boyz did dirt biking...I was awesome there!!! Damn, no pics of ours was taken..Yogesh I will kill U (Yogesh was our part time Photographer)..Wondering,wat he was doing there,Riding bike!!
Wel, I cant explain everything...I mean the feeling we had after all that..
The only thing I can add is,we all had loads of fun...climbing,falling,running, hitting each other and dirt biking!! The feeling was Awesome!!
Finally we had to leave...Ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Enter the real world....Guys!!

11th Jan 2009, 4:30pm;
After all the masti, through out the way to Adasa..we entered "Matroshri Oldage Home" 35kms from Zero mile, towards Adasa.. We entered,I was so astonished to see that all of us went serious..Thats was good, but it was all of a sudden but at the same time...Sense of responisblity U see.. We entered, had loads of work to do...Had to arrange Tables and chairs for them, Had to make other arrangements..
Without wasting our time, everybody distributed there own work and started working on it.. Few went to arrange the Tables, Few were arranging the Chairs, Few went to call the Residents of this home... Few went and escorted them towards the hall....and rest were making arrangements of Cake, sweet and Socks!!
Within 10mins everything was done, an we were ready to start the Program..We bagan, with our introduction and abt our organization and its functions..Then, there was a Cake cutting ceremony, Fortunately there was a Bday boy, and we asked to do him the Honors(To cut the cake)...He was delighted and so were we... Then, elders came in front, shared there experiences and there thoughts, there view abt Youth India.. No saying for the sake of writing, its the fact, they apprecitated us,gave us there Ideas, what they wanted to do as Youth...
There was only blessing flowing in the room,we were drowned for sure!! Thank you Kaka and Kaki for ur Blessing...Thankx a ton!!!
Then, we distrubuted Sweets and at the end the socks...Thinking, why socks?? why no Food or Funds!! We have got reasons for that..Wel, they are provided with Food & shelter, couldnt give them funds, coz they are elder to us, and that not wat ethics says. Donate money..Nahhhh!!
So we thought of giving them socks, as it was winter season and they walk in there room bare footed which make bring some disease..We didnt want that to happen to those Cute ppl!!
So we gave them, socks!!!!
Then, this was the end of our program...Had Good comments coming round the corner..Good Ideas were flowing and Floods of Blessing was there!! Every "Youth India" escorted each and every elder back to there Rooms..
We all really felt good, that we could spent some time with them..But, we also felt bad that they are not leaving with there Families!! They wished us "All the best"..And we wished that "they get all the happiness they desire" and we will do everything possible under "Youth India's" power..
Had nice time...Really nice and Pure time!!

Hey................this wasnt the end of the Journey....There so much still to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Masti Ka time for Youth Indians!! Masti ki Patshala

11th Jan 2009,

Its was 6pm when "Youth India"'s members came out from the Oldage home, everybody had Happiness on there faces but somewhere down, everybody was not feeling gud abt some....May be by seeing the Elders sitting out there rooms (in old age Home) and waiting for someone who would never return.. Man,it really was feeling. Its easy to say that U can understand there Trauma,but I can bet everybody out there reading this No one can Understand there feeling and Inner Trauma.

We not only enjoyed on th way to Adasa...But we had a blast while coimg back to City..
Alright,so now it was the time to have some fun...So what did we do???Guys and Gals, U cant even imagine...We had a blast after this, first we went out for Temple had some fun, took some memorable snaps and then moved towards city!!

Thinking, is that wat we enjoyed!! Naahhhh.......
The Journey was not over yet, while we were returning back to city...Everybody was starving, so thought of having something.. No we didnt stop by a Restu..Nor a Hotel..Nor some sophisticated place for dinner, we took a halt a Local Dhabha (Oye!! Sharma da Dhabha)
So,everyone got down there Bikes...........Wait, Sorry Ladies got down from the Car, Standard U see..Just kidding Ladies!!
Back to Dhabha, we had to choice to sit at Dhabha..One sitting on Chair unlike other Restu and Hotels...and the other was Sitting on Cot, folding ur legs...Everybody, choose to sit on Cot and have Dinner in the Dhabhawala's and Truckerwala's style... Damn, we enjoyed it!!
what next?? Order for the dinner ofcourse... So, we called up th waiter and asked him for the Menu.
Waiter "Ap ka Order"
We "Kay kay miley ga"
Waiter "Mutter Paneer, shahi paneer".....Man I cant write everything he said..and that too in a speed of 100kms/hr.
We finally shut our mouth and order the normal food...."Kon yaad rakhey ja men" and "Isjat ka sawal tha..Had to order somethinng"
Ordered, got the dinner on the Cot, and we all started... It was not just the food we all were having...We had jolly discussion, cracked some PJ's and "ek ek ki uda rahey they". Had gala time!! Now, it was time to get up and pay the bills.. (Worst part man) pay bills
We paid and we were not in a mood to leave so early..It was just 9pm yaar, but had no choice...Said Dasvidaniya to all and moved back to our "Home sweet Home"...

But we all said "We will meet again"..........This was just the begining!!