Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wel-Come to Youth India!!

Wel come to Youth India!!

Hello and Wel come to Youth India, a club, organization and hub for Fun, Knowledge and Service…Above all an organization to bring out Indians asResponsible Indians
Thinking what we are talking about, well, that’s what we want you to do, think n think!!
Amazed!! Even we were when we came to know that round the Globe 40% of population is of “Youth”, Naaaaaaa not shocked coz of that, but shocked to see that only 14% of Youth realize what’s wrong and what’s right for THEM and nation. But only 4% of Youth out of the above 14% realize that they are doing nothing for their nation, wanna see something more amazing, here u go…Out of these 4% above only 2.54% of Youth does something for the nation...So, in all…. Only 0.5%; (infact not even that) of youth round the globe contributes to the growth of Nation and themselves!!

Now, coming back to “Youth India”…thinking what it has to do with above all things mentioned???? Alright, let me break the suspense, We are here to overcome all these Flaws.. well, I wouldn’t call it as our flaws, but its all lack of responsibilities. We are here to improvise the inner you and our nation. We are here to make ourselves and YOUTH more responsible than B4!!

Well, sounds boring!! Naa, think twice Gals and Boyz.. Being responsible can be fun, it may earn you fame; respect and who knows one day you may become an “IDEAL” for every “Youth”!!
Think Guys!! Think Gals!! What is that, you want to Improve in you.. I know that you all good as you are, but honestly I’m not demoralizing you or anybody else.. I’m just trying to associate you with the success of Nation!! You can not only polish your qualities here, infact you can generic your qualities to others, which makes you an “IDEAL” in Youth’s… So, let jump back to “Youth India”.

It’s a place where you can Polish you qualities, Improve your self confidence, get exposure, learn to be a Team Leader, Serve our nation by developing our rural areas, help under privileged children & spread literacy to the illiterate women, men and children.. Infact there is so much to do!!
Thinking, why do we need to Improvise ourselves for all these social work, well, it is said that “Charity begins at Home”. Until and unless we develop ourselves we cant develop our nation.. So, Youth India urges every youth not only from India, but round the globe, that stand with us, “if you believe that you can change our society to make it a better place to live” and “If you believe that you can motivate and be an Ideal for other youths to be as responsible as you are”

“Stand with Change, by believing that you can be the change”.

This is also for,One who believes and loves challenges; coz being Responsible and making others responsible human is also a Challenge, except the challenge and show us that you can win and teach other how to be a winner.

Let me see how many of you can take up challenges well and come out as winners!! Hope to see you in Guys and Gals..

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